Roaches are among the most notorious household pests, known for their resilience and ability to spread quickly. If you’ve ever encountered them in your home, you know just how unsettling it can be. Their presence can lead to hygiene issues and health risks.

How to get rid of roaches

In this article, I’ll share my journey of battling roaches and the step-by-step approach I took to get rid of them and ensure they stayed away. By following these steps, you can make your home inhospitable to roaches and protect your family from the risks they pose.

Understanding the Problem

Roaches are adept at finding their way into homes through tiny cracks, vents, and drains. Once inside, they can hide in dark, warm places and multiply rapidly. Common signs of a roach infestation include droppings, a musty odor, and, of course, sightings of roaches themselves. I knew I had a roach problem when I saw a couple of them scurrying across my kitchen floor late one night. This alarming discovery prompted me to act quickly before the situation worsened.

My Step-by-Step Approach to Getting Rid of Roaches

Dealing with roaches requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses the root causes of the infestation while actively eliminating the existing roaches. Here’s the step-by-step process I used to rid my home of these pests:

Step 1: Identify Entry Points

The first step was to find out how roaches were getting into my home. I examined the exterior of my house, looking for cracks in the foundation, gaps around windows and doors, and other potential entry points. I also checked vents and drains for signs of roaches. I found several small cracks and gaps that could be used as entryways, so I sealed them with caulk and weatherstripping to prevent further infiltration. It was surprising how many tiny openings could allow these pests inside.

Step 2: Remove Food Sources

Roaches are attracted to food, so I needed to eliminate potential food sources in my home. I began by thoroughly cleaning my kitchen, removing crumbs, food scraps, and other debris from countertops, cabinets, and floors. I also made sure to store food in airtight containers and keep my trash bins sealed. This step is crucial because roaches can survive on very little food, and even small amounts of crumbs can sustain them.

I also checked under appliances, where food particles can accumulate. The area behind my refrigerator was a haven for crumbs, so I cleaned it thoroughly. I made a habit of wiping down counters and sweeping the floor daily to minimize the risk of roaches finding a food source.

Step 3: Set Traps and Baits

To actively target the existing roaches, I set traps and baits in key areas around my home. I used sticky traps near baseboards and under sinks to catch roaches, and I placed gel baits in areas where roaches were likely to travel. The gel baits contain an insecticide, which the roaches consume and then carry back to their nests, spreading it to other roaches. This method is effective in reducing the roach population and can help break the infestation cycle.

Setting traps requires some strategy. I placed them in areas where I had seen roaches and in other common hiding spots like under the sink and behind appliances. After a few days, I began to see results—the traps were catching roaches, and the baits were reducing their numbers.

Step 4: Use Insecticide Sprays

In addition to traps and baits, I used insecticide sprays to treat areas where roaches were likely to hide. I sprayed along baseboards, under appliances, and around pipes to create a barrier against roaches. I made sure to follow the instructions on the insecticide carefully and used protective gear to ensure my safety. While sprays can be effective, it’s important to use them in a targeted manner to avoid overuse or contamination of food preparation areas.

Using sprays required caution, especially around the kitchen and dining areas. I used a mask and gloves to protect myself from inhaling the chemicals and made sure to ventilate the rooms thoroughly. After spraying, I allowed the insecticide to dry completely before allowing anyone back into the area.

Step 5: Improve Cleanliness and Sanitation

Roaches thrive in unsanitary conditions, so I focused on maintaining a clean and hygienic home. I implemented a regular cleaning routine, ensuring that dishes were washed promptly, trash was taken out regularly, and floors were swept and mopped. I also paid special attention to areas that could accumulate moisture, such as the bathroom and laundry room, to prevent roaches from finding suitable hiding spots.

Improving cleanliness took some discipline. I set a schedule for cleaning, ensuring I addressed high-risk areas regularly. This included wiping down counters, cleaning under the sink, and vacuuming floors. I also used dehumidifiers in damp areas to reduce moisture, making my home less appealing to roaches.

The Final Result

After following these steps, I noticed a significant reduction in the number of roaches in my home. The traps and baits were effective in capturing and eliminating roaches, while the insecticide sprays helped create a barrier to keep them from returning. By maintaining a clean and sanitary environment, I was able to reduce the chances of a new infestation. It took consistent effort and vigilance, but the end result was a roach-free home.

It was a relief to finally rid my home of roaches. The journey taught me the importance of maintaining a clean environment and addressing problems quickly. It also made me more aware of the potential entry points and the need for ongoing preventive measures.


Getting rid of roaches requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both the causes of the infestation and the existing roach population. By identifying entry points, removing food sources, setting traps and baits, using insecticide sprays, and maintaining a high level of cleanliness, you can effectively eliminate roaches from your home and prevent their return. If you’re dealing with a roach problem, I hope my experience provides you with the guidance you need to tackle it successfully.

Remember, roaches are resilient pests, so consistency is key. Keep your home clean, seal entry points, and use traps and baits as needed. With these steps, you’ll be able to enjoy a roach-free home and protect your family from the risks associated with roach infestations. You also need to be ready to get rid of mold here.

What attracts roaches to a home?

Roaches are typically attracted to homes for several reasons, including food, moisture, and warmth. They are drawn to places where they can find food scraps, crumbs, and other organic matter. Leaky pipes, standing water, and damp areas also attract roaches, as they provide moisture. Additionally, roaches seek warm, dark hiding places like behind appliances and in cabinets. To prevent roaches, it’s important to eliminate food sources, maintain a clean environment, and address any sources of moisture.

Are roaches harmful to health?

Yes, roaches can pose health risks. They can spread bacteria and pathogens, contaminating food and surfaces in your home. Roach droppings and shed skins can also trigger allergies and asthma in sensitive individuals. Additionally, roaches can carry diseases such as Salmonella and E. coli, which can cause foodborne illnesses. To protect your health, it’s important to address roach infestations promptly and maintain a clean, sanitary home.

What can I do to prevent roaches from coming back?

To prevent roaches from returning, focus on maintaining a clean and sealed environment. Seal any cracks, gaps, or entry points where roaches could enter your home. Keep your kitchen and other food areas clean, and store food in airtight containers. Take out the trash regularly and ensure that trash bins are sealed. Use traps and baits as a preventive measure, and consider periodic insecticide treatments in areas where roaches are likely to hide. Consistent cleaning and vigilance are key to keeping roaches at bay.